Seven ways to keep the love alive

Tender advice to a groom from his mother and from other happily married couples:

a) Remember that to love someone is to wish them the best; always wish the best for each other.

b) Don’t forget that you’re in love. Kiss her in lifts, hold her hand at the movies. Tell her she’s beautiful. Tell her every now and then.

c) Don’t speak ill of her family or friends, even the ones you don’t like.

d) Listen to each other. When you’re wrong, say you’re sorry; when you’re right, just hush up.

e) Never embarrass or correct one another in public; try not to embarrass or correct in private, either.

f) Don’t yell unless the house is on fire; whisper while arguing.

g) On the days you don’t like each other, remember you loved each other.

# Contributed by Sharon Randall on Scripps Howard News Service.